.. _adapter: Plugin for services =================== Following plugins are currently available: * **Liveblog** livebridge-liveblog_ - Provides a Liveblog_ liveticker as source and target. * **Scribblelive** livebridge-scribblelive_ - Provides a Scribblelive_ event stream as target. \ Provides also a **converter** from Liveblog_ to Scribblelive_. * **Slack** livebridge-slack_ - Provides Slack_ channels as source and as target. Also provides \ **converters** from Liveblog_ and to Scribblelive_. * **Tickaroo** livebridge-tickaroo_ - Provides a Tickaroo_ ticker as target. Installing plugins ------------------ Plugins **can** be made available from PyPi_ to be installable via **pip**. For example to install a **Livebridge** with plugins for Liveblog_ and Scribblelive_: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install livebridge livebridge-liveblog livebridge-scribblelive Control plugins --------------- See :ref:`control` for setting up bridges. .. include:: links.rst