.. _quickstart: Quick start guide ================= Installation ------------ A **Python** version **>=3.5** is required to install **livebridge**, since it is based and makes heavy use of Asyncio_, an event loop introduced by Python3. .. code-block:: bash pip3 install livebridge A **livebridge** command will be available afterwards. .. code-block:: bash $ livebridge usage: livebridge [-h] --control CONTROL livebridge: error: the following arguments are required: --control .. note:: It is recommended, to install Livebridge in a dedicated Virtualenv_ Python environment! Settings -------- :ref:`The specific bridges will be specified in an extra .yaml control file or in a database table! ` Some global settings are defined in `livebridge/config.py`_. These values can be set through **environment variables**. Following variables for configuration are available: * **LB_CONTROLFILE** - path to control file, overrides **--control** commandline argument. * **LB_LOGLEVEL** - Python logging level, *INFO* is default, can be *DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR* or *CRITICAL* * **LB_LOGFILE** - path to write a logfile, *optional* * **LB_POLL_INTERVAL** - interval in seconds for polling an API for new posts when using a polling-source, defaults to **60** seconds. **Please be attentitive how often you are polling your source. Liveticker have other constraints like RSS Feeds!** * **LB_POLL_CONTROL_INTERVAL** - interval in seconds for polling for control data changes, defaults to **60** seconds. *This does not apply to local control files. If not configured otherwise, a restart is neccessary after changes to local control files.* * **LB_CONTROLFILE_WATCH** - setting to **true** will force checks on local control files for changed control data. * **LB_MAX_RETRIES** - number of maximal retries for redistributing a failed item, defaults to **10**. * **LB_RETRY_MULTIPLIER** - delay multiplier for retrying a failed distribution, defaults to **5** seconds. Retry delay is calclulated by multiplicating **LB_RETRY_MULTIPLIER** with the **number of the last retry**. To use MongoDB_ or any **SQL** database supported by SQLALchemy_ as storage backend, you have to specify the following two environment variables: * **LB_DB_DSN** - dsn database url for connecting with a database, see docs for `SQLAlchemy engines`_ or `MongoDB connection strings`_ for details. To disable storage, set this env-var to **dummy://**. * **LB_DB_TABLE** - name of the database table which stores distribution related data, defaults to **livebridge_dev**. * **LB_DB_CONTROL_TABLE** - name of the database table, which stores control data in JSON format, overrides **--control**. **Be sure the database already exists and the database user from the dsn-url string has sufficient rights.** .. note:: For simple, straight forward distribution, storage can be disabled by setting **LB_DB_DSN=dummy://**. Updates and deletes of distributed posts will therefore be not applied. Since livebridge also supports `AWS DynamoDB`_ as storage backend, following **Amazon AWS** related config variables are available: * **LB_AWS_ACCESS_KEY** - AWS access key * **LB_AWS_SECRET_KEY** - AWS secret access key * **LB_AWS_REGION** - defaults to **eu-central-1** * **LB_DYNAMO_ENDPOINT** - Endpoint url for DynamoDB. Can be empty, except when using a local DynamoDB. * **LB_DYNAMO_TABLE** - Tablename, defaults to **livebridge-posts**. * **LB_DYNAMO_CONTROL_TABLE** - name of the DynamoDB table, which stores control data in JSON format, overrides **--control**. * **LB_SQS_S3_QUEUE** - SQS-QueueUrl for listening for control file changes on S3. **The DynamoDB tables will be automatically created, if defined and they're not existing. Sufficient** `AWS IAM`_ **rights are required.** .. _webapisettings: For using the :ref:`Web-API ` following settings have to be set: * **LB_WEB_HOST** - the host the server is listening on. ** or ** for example. * **LB_WEB_PORT** - the port the server is listening on, *8080* for example. * **LB_WEB_USER** - Username of the API user. *Only a single user supported at the moment!* * **LB_WEB_PWD** - Password of the API user. See :ref:`Web-API ` for more details. Testing ------- **Livebridge** uses `pytest`_ and `asynctest`_ for testing. Run tests: .. code-block:: bash py.test -v tests/ Run tests with test coverage: .. code-block:: bash py.test -v --cov=livebridge --cov-report=html tests/ `pytest-cov`_ has to be installed. In the example above, a html summary of the test coverage is saved in **./htmlcov/**. .. include:: links.rst